Mini Wine Bottles

Mini Wine Bottles (187ml) vs. Our Wine Favors (375ml)

Welcome to Your Own Winery. We are THE SOURCE in New Jersey, New York and the entire northeast for beautiful wine wedding favors.

You have many choices for the favors you can give your wedding guests. However, can you think of a more appreciated thank-you than a bottle of great wine. In addition, our wine favors are not anything like the wine favors you can buy online. First, our wine wedding favors come in 375ml real glass wine bottles (about 13oz = 2 full glasses of wine), which are half the size of a regular 750ml wine bottle. Even more, our favors are TWICE the size of the typical 187ml “mini” wine bottles you can purchase online. Most importantly, with our wine wedding favors, you get personalized or full custom photo bottle label included in the price – not the case with other wine favors.

But see for yourself

Our Premium Wine Favors on the left, Select Wine Favors on the right – a Mini Wine Bottle in the center. As you can see, our wine favors are quite a step-up from the mini wine bottle.

>  First, our wine favors you get a full size bottle label which we help you design and customize vs. the very small label on the mini bottle, then where do you get the custom labels – good luck with that

>  Second, with our favors, you get a wine bottle with a cork and a foil bottle top, the color of which you get to choose (to match your wedding colors) vs. the beer bottle cap on the mini bottle with no color foil bottle top.

>  And last of course the size, our favors are 13oz of wine you have chosen and perhaps even personally made vs. 6.5oz of quite ordinary wines in the mini bottles where you have very few wine type choices.

image of your own winery 375ml wine favors vs 187ml mini wine favor bottle
Your Own Winery 375ml Wine Favors vs. 187ml mini wine favor bottle

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Wine Wedding Favors

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